Once upon a time, there were four friends named A, B, C, and D. They needed to cross a bridge to get to their destination, but the bridge was old and rickety and could only hold two people at a time.
To make things more difficult, the bridge was also very dark and the friends had only one torch between them to light the way. The friends knew that the torch had limited battery life and would only last for 17 minutes before it went out.
Here’s how long it takes each person to cross the bridge:
A can cross the bridge in 1 minute.
B can cross the bridge in 2 minutes.
C can cross the bridge in 5 minutes.
D can cross the bridge in 10 minutes.
The friends knew that when two people crossed the bridge together, they had to move at the pace of the slower person. They also knew that they had to conserve the torch’s battery life as much as possible.
The friends needed to figure out a plan to get everyone across the bridge in the fastest possible time before the torch went out. Can you help them come up with a solution?
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