‘MARCH’ is ‘MAY’
then ‘AUGUST’ is ?
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Two brothers, Timmy and Jimmy, were in court being charge for robbing a bank.
Timmy says that he was trying to stop his brother Jimmy from robbing the bank but failed to do so.
The judge believed him and said that Jimmy could get 5 years for this crime but he decided let them both go.
Why did the judge let Timmy and Jimmy go since Jimmy is clearly guilty?
A Blind-folded man is handed a deck of 52 cards and
told that exactly 10 of these cards are facing up.
He is asked to divide those cards into two piles,
each with the same number of cards facing up.
He can’t peek, get help, or damage the cards,
but may use any strategy that occurs to him to do so.
How can he do it?
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